2.4 Meter Open House at Sandy Bay Yacht Club

In response to requests from a variety of sources, the Rockport 2.4 meter fleet organized an Open House / Clinic for sailors at Sandy Bay Yacht Club on June 8.  There were 7 sailors at the clinic ranging in age from 17 to much older.


Even experienced sailors think the 2.4 meter is a funny little boat
Going through the process of rigging

The sailors were oriented to the 2.4 meter, had the boat contrasted to other designs and then we did a variety of hands on exercises. The 20 knot NW clearing breeze prevented us from sailing, but the attendees all go to practice simulated jibes with the pole launcher and get a feel for steering while seated like a jet pilot.

We hope to schedule an on the water component for later in the summer and hope that we add some new sailors to the class.

Showing how to extend the pole

Thanks to the folks that attended, the  officers and staff at Sandy Bay Yacht Club for helping us host this event.