Davis Island Yacht Club and Tampa – An Amazing venue for a World Championship

Nov 11, 2021

Davis Island Yacht Club and Tampa Florida are going to put on a great event in 2022. The venue was highlighted during the recent Pre Worlds event. The venue highlights include:

  • Great shoreside facilities with ample space and hoists for a large fleet
  • Great host city with ample dining and housing choices
  • Short sail from the club to the raceĀ  course

Missy Weiner was on hand at the Pre Worlds event to take pictures. Here is a small sampling:

Davis Island Yacht Club, Tampa Florida – site of the 2022 International 2.4 meter Worlds
Jay Corcoran shaking off the Covid rust
Mark rounding with Jeff Linton, Julio Reguero, Tony Pocklington, John Seepe
Upwind Action in glorious sunshine with a lovely background
Rick Noonan sailing upwind

Below is a link to Missy’s album of the event

Click here